Thursday, November 28, 2019
Alcohol Is The Intoxicating Part Of Beer, Wine And Liquors-the Part Th
Alcohol is the intoxicating part of beer, wine and liquors-the part that causes drunkenness. It is formed during fermentation, the process that creates the alcohlolicbeverage. When sugars from the fruits or grains are combined with yeast and water, alcohol results. Alcohol is a drug and, like all drugs, it has an effect on a person's body and mind. Because drinking alcoholic beverages makes some people feel more alive and more outgoing, alcohol is sometimes seen as a stimulant. But in fact it is a depressant, and slows down the central nervous system, of which the brain is a part. Small amounts of alcohol can affect a person's coordination and judgment. Drinking a large amount of alcohol at one time can even cause death. Alcohol is estimated to be contributing factor in 20-30% of all accidents. In fatal car accidents involving young men after 10pm it is a contributory factor in 60% of these cases. About 30% of all drowning are estimated to be alcohol related. This proportion may rise to 50% between the ages 20-30. Alcohol is also a poisonous. It must be broken down and removed from the body. However, it leaves behind toxins, or poisons, that can cause health problems and contribute to serious diseases. Beer contains the least amount of alcohol, about 3-6%. Wine is 8-14 percent alcohol. Distilled spirits have a much higher alcoholic content. The alcoholic content of gin, scotch, vodka, whiskey, rum, and bourbon is about 40%. When alcohol enters the body this is what happens. Within 20 minutes of entering the stomach, as much as 20% of the alcohol in a drink is absorbed into the bloodstream. The rest remains in the stomach where it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices. Large amounts of alcohol en tering an empty stomach can irritate the gastric lining and cause the stomach to become inflamed. From the stomach, the alcohol passes into the small intestine. Here the rest of it is absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, about 5 percent of alcohol leave the body unchanged through urine, sweat, or exhaled breath. Next the alcohol travels via the bloodstream to the heart. Small amounts of alcohol produce a slight increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Larger amounts reduce pumping power of the heart and can cause an irregular heartbeat. The heart then pumps the alcohol through the blood vessels to other parts of the body, including the brain. Drinking puts on pounds, right? Wrong! It is widely thought that drinking alcohol leads to increases in weight, but this common belief is not supported by scientific evidence. For example, a recent review of 38 studies found that over two-thirds of them showed either weight loss or no relationship in alcohol and weight. The reason alcohol does not generally lead to weight gain is currently the subject of scientific debate and investigation. However, one thing is clear: the majority of medical research studies over the past ten years have found that moderate consumption of alcohol does not lead to weight gain. Recent Harvard study found the risk of death from all causes to be 21% to 28% lower among men who drank alcohol moderately compared to abstainers. (World Health Organization) Almost one half of seniors drink alcohol at least once a month, about 20% drink at least once a week. Nearly one third of ninth graders drink alcohol at least once a month 12% drink at least once a week. Regular use of alcohol has not changed significantly since 1989. (Casey ! 1) Crime is inextricably related to alcohol and other drugs. (AOD) Annually 480,000 arrests for liquor law violations and 704,000 arrests for drunkenness for alcohol. Alcohol is a key factor in up to 68% of manslaughter's, 62% of assaults, 54% of murders or attempted murders, 48% of robberies, 44% of burglaries. In 1992 there were 6,839 deaths due to alcohol. A couple years back 64% of all reported child abuse and neglect cases in New York City were associated AOD abuse. (Lang 55) While the moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with better health and longer life than is abstinence, the heavy consumption of alcohol, especially over a period of many years, can lead to serious health
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Littering and pollution Essay Example
Littering and pollution Essay Example Littering and pollution Paper Littering and pollution Paper Littering is a problem in our society that is getting out of control. The population is constantly rising at a rate of 159 people per minute. It is easy to see how pollution and littering is rising with population. This relates to everyone because it affects us all in some way or another. I will explain what pollution is and where it comes from. Im going to tell you how pollution is slowly killing our society as well as environment. Will also tell you some possible nationwide and local solutions to this widespread problem. Body: I. Pollution is destructive for our society and its environment. A. What is pollution? I. Pollution is the State Of being polluted, especially the contamination Of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of harmful substances. B. How is litter and pollution destructive? I. The better question would be Why do we need to fix this problem? 1. We ill answer both of these questions. Ii. Pollution and litter are destructive to our society in many ways. 1 . Litter and pollution can harm the water supply. A. Water quality reports indicate that 45% percent of U . S. Streams, 47% of lakes, and 32% of bays are polluted. 2. Litter can attract unwanted pests to your local area, like opossums, rats, coyotes, and raccoons. A. Unwanted pests cause unwanted damage to your property. C. To find out how we can to fix this problem we need to find the source. I. Pollution and litter comes from many places. 1. In our society, litter comes from garbage, construction, and business sites. 2. In addition, it comes from 75% of Americans who admitted to littering in the past five years that dont think about the consequences of their actions. I. Do you think about what happens when you throw that little piece of trash out the car window? 1 . Probably not, but just take a second to think about that huge buck that was wandering along that ate some plastic wrapper you threw out and now you wont be able to hang his horns on your wall because he wobbled out into the middle of the woods and died. 2. How about that little puppy that is out in the yard when the little piece of trash blows over a fence and he swallows it down and suffocates. A. Actions have consequences, so think about all of the consequences your actions have. Transition: Now that we have talked about why littering is destructive and the source of this destruction, let us talk of possible ways we can fix the problem. II. There are some possible countrywide solutions. A. Country. Vide solutions would have to be easily transplanted into our society. I. I suggest that restaurants build compost boxes for food scraps. Those who build the boxes can receive tax breaks and give customers that use the compost box some kind of discount. A. This would cut down on food waste and help cut down on garbage related to food waste in restaurants. Ii. New businesses can create litterbugs that fits inside of cars in order to persuade people to stop throwing things out the window while driving down the road. 1. There can be a discount for people who use the litterbug. A. For every ten bags filled and recycled, there can be a certain amount of bags they get back free. B. There are local changes that can be proposed also. . In order to clean up the streets we could make cleaning fun. 1. For example, we could attach basketball hoops to waste cans in public. A. We could call this design Trash-Hoops and use them in the cities with the most awful pollution problems. B. This would force out the competitors in all Americans and make cleaning fun. I. There will be people who miss, but how many friends have you seen shoot a paper ball at the trash and miss, then get angry about their lack of skill, go pick up the paper then shoot it again. Ii. I propose that a new elective be made called Earth Conservation 1. In this class, students would be able to learn about conservation techniques and explore ways to cut down on waste. A. In addition, students would have the chance to practice the newly acquired knowledge and skills in their community. I. This would increase knowledge on the topic of littering and pollution, as well as benefit the community. C. There are changes being made today to help cut down on litter and pollution. I. For example, water bottles with filters help cut down on plastic bottles being thrown around and wasted. Ii. In addition, groups are ginning to form in local areas to help clean up trash and litter. Conclusion: To conclude, have told you what pollution is and how littering and pollution are destructive forces on the world. We have asked, How are they destructive? and we have found main sources of pollution. I have proposed that nationwide and local changes are made in order to help put a stop to littering and pollution. The restaurant compost boxes, litterbugs production, trash-hoops, and the elective Earth Conservation. There is a problem with the amount of pollution on the earth, I have only given some elution.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What is economic growth Discuss the factors that promote economic Essay
What is economic growth Discuss the factors that promote economic growth in ( Australia ) - Essay Example The factors that promote economic growth within Australia comprise of its service sector which depicts around 68% of the GDP. Also the role of the agricultural and mining sectors is of utmost essence as these signify about 57% of Australian exports (Blackie, 2008). Economic growth within Australia is bolstered by being dependent on imported crude oil as well as petroleum products. The economic growth is manifested time and again by the strength of the Australian Dollar which has made its mark not only within the nation but also in the Commonwealth comity of nations. The inflation is at 2.8% by 2010 estimates and Gini index stands at 0.331 by 2009 figures (Dixon, 2010). In 2010, $210 billion worth of exports were recorded which suggests for success within the economic growth modules. It can be easily suggested that the economic growth domains within Australia are set on the right pattern and one can look forward to seeing more similar dimensions coming to the fore with the advent of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Energy drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Energy drinks - Essay Example The difference between sports drinks and energy drinks lies in their contents. Sports drinks have energy giving elements in them while energy drinks have stimulants. These stimulants include caffeine and guarana, which can change the functioning of the human body. Johnson (2014, p.377) notes that both the sports and energy drinks have carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, sodium, proteins, and other minerals. Energy drinks and sports drinks are associated with a number of benefits. Sports are always associated with using a lot of energy; so many sports people may require a lot of energy drinks. When they are being promoted during marketing, their sellers say how good they are to consumers. Some say how these drinks can improve the performance of sportsmen. They also say that they can remove fatigue and increase concentration or keenness. Some sellers also claim these drinks can replace the electrolytes that are lost when a person is sweating. Sports and energy drinks are usually sold mostly to the young people. The reason is that it is the youths who use them quite often. They use them a lot because they take part in many hard activities that require much energy. These drinks are used by different people in different ways. These energy drinks are made of various components. The components are; water, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals amino acids/ protein caffeine, guarana, electrolytes a nd other stimulants. Water helps in giving the body the hydration it requires to operate normally. When a person is active and is using a lot of energy, thermoregulation is increased (Burrow 2013, p.141). He or she will need water to help in cooling and hydrating their bodies. Carbohydrates give energy to the consumers, but only if taken with other nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids/ and proteins are so good for the human body. Sports drinks and energy drinks are therefore, beneficial
Monday, November 18, 2019
Features of smart phone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Features of smart phone - Research Paper Example Furthermore, a majority of the contemporary smart phones exhibit 3G capabilities (Albright, 25). To this end, 3G is an acronym of third generation which implies new communication standards, procedures and devices that will enhance the quality and speed of services available on the go. In this regard, 4G technology is soon being incorporated within smartphone devices. This is projected to increase the benefits of smart phones. To this end, the popularity of smart phones has increased significantly over the years to the extent that it is viewed as a lifestyle trend to own one. Its popularity stems from the multiple benefits that have made the life of modern human beings much better. One of the benefits of a smartphone is that it keeps the user organised. Evidently, the smartphone handsets have inbuilt features such as contact lists, electronic diaries, calendar, note pad, voice recorder and automatic reminders that basically act as personal organisers. To this end, the smartphone is ve ry convenient among professionals in white collar jobs since they can easily organize their daily schedules pertaining to issues such as meetings, appointments, conferences, among others. The benefits of a Smartphone also extend to its similarity in functions to that of a desktop computer. Foremost, the smartphone has a QWERTY keypad that is similar to the computer keyboard. Moreover, the keypad comes in hardware version with physical keys that can be easily be typed as well as a software version that is evident on touch screens such as I-phones. Moreover, the smartphone exhibits capability of browsing entire websites that contain high amount of data. In addition, there are also smart phones applications similar to Microsoft office which allows the creation and editing of documents. To this end, persons owning smart phones do not necessarily need to own a desktop computer. The smart phones also have GPS capability (Ga?rtner, William, and Michael, 526). Evidently, the GPS is suitable whenever a person needs to locate an area that is unfamiliar or new to a person. To this end, whenever a person is travelling to places that are unknown, it is highly convenient for him or her to activate the GPS and find the place (Karimi, 19). The smartphone hence assists in making the tour navigable. Furthermore, the GPS capability saves the user the inconvenience of carrying a map whenever travelling. In organizations smart phones enable organizational investment in the employee. According to Mohammad and Syed the solutions offered by smart phones enable work responsibilities to be more desirable (9). This is through the reduction of time spent by an individual on repetitive or menial tasks. Furthermore, the user can also reference flash presentations, eBooks, audiovisual training material, as well as carrying instructional manuals on storage cards with high capacity (Ilyas and Syed, 10). The smart phone also exhibits the benefit of customer relationship management (CRM) in org anizations (Ilyas and Syed, 10). This is through CRM applications that assist in the streamlining of supply chain operation. Evidently, the applications enable workers in an organization to track inventory levels and features, automate schedules and features. These consequently minimize customer visits and reduce downtime. Hospitality applications incorporated in smart phones have been beneficial to people working in the hotel and hospitality industry. These are through applications for curb side check-in
Friday, November 15, 2019
GMO Labeling and Dangers
GMO Labeling and Dangers The average American can consume up to 1,996 pounds of food in one year. The initial intent of GMOs was to increase crop yields to meet the demand for the ever growing population. GMOs or (genetically modified organisms) are the results of an organism with the DNA of another organism. So its one organism with the DNA of another or many organisms. This does not occur naturally. GMOs are actually illegal in many countries, because they are not considered safe. GMOs have done nothing but increase crop yields. Since being used they have caused some people to develop allergies and have allergic reactions to the foods they are used in because we have not labeled the foods with GMOs. One of the big debates going on right now is should Genetically Modified Organisms be labeled? A total of three states have passed a law to require GMOs to be labeled. Vermont, connecticut, and Maine were the first of the three states to pass a law requiring GMOs to be labeled. The reason GMOs should be labeled is because many people are allergic to them, and, if they are not labeled, then how can you tell. This could result in severe allergic reactions, some of which could result in death. There are many things that you can do such as scanning the product to find out if it is a GMO, but who wants to spend all evening in the store waiting on your phone to work, and reading to find out when the product could be labeled. Several countries such as China, Australia, and European Union require GMOs to be labeled, currently the united states does not require labeling. Some companies like Campbells, ConAgra, General Mills and many others have already started labeling their products accordin g to Vermonts law. According to The reason GMO food should be voluntarily labeled by the food industry is that it is clear some consumers want to know what they are eating and they have a right to know what is in their food. -(What is GMO?) GMOs should be labeled because we shouldnt have to guess what is in our food. We should be able to read the label and know what is in the food we are eating. Another big question is are GMOs healthy for the environment? GMOs are made with a bunch of chemicals, because they are suppose to be able to resist pests and weather, but when it rains and washes the chemicals off where do they go? They wash off into rivers and lakes and soak into the ground potentially damaging our water supply.. According to Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods, By growing plants or raising livestock in environmental conditions that normally wouldnt support them, there is the potential of irrevocably damaging that environment. This is often seen through GMO crossbreeding. So when experimenting with GMOs such as cross breeding you basically create the need for more GMOs because you contain the environment and only you can plant GMOS there now. GMOs are unhealthy for the environment and dont occur naturally in nature. The foods at high risk for having GMOs in them are, alfalfa, corn, cotton, papaya, soy, sugar beet, yellow summer squash / and zucchini. Glypho sate a chemical found in herbicides that are sprayed on GMOs, is a dangerous chemical that has been linked to a blood cancer, farmers who use these chemicals are at twice the risk. Imagine what these chemicals can do to us as consumers who eat them. Are GMOs even safe for human consumption? A common question usually asked. GMOs can provoke an allergic reaction. According to What Are GMOs? How Are They Affecting Us? [opinion]. The mixing of different types of proteins in food create health hazards and allergic reactions for people eating the foods (What Are GMOs? How Are They Affecting Us?). If we label the foods we would not have to worry about people having allergic reactions because they would not buy or eat the food. Kinda like products made with peanut oil or in a peanut factory we let them know that these foods are made there and have these ingredients. Time and time again, studies have shown that the consumption of GMO foods increase the risks of food-based allergies in people. -(Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods). Not only could people be allergic to GMOs but they could possibly develop an allergy to GMOs. If someone develops an allergy to soy because of GMO efforts, then if livestock eats that GMO soy as well, that person would have a high probability of an allergic reaction from eating the animal meat.-(Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods) So once people develop an allergy to something, and they eat something from an animal that consumed the same thing they are allergic to, they have a chance of having an allergic reaction to it. If we labeled the food with GMOs people would not have to worry about having a allergic reaction, because they would not eat that item. One last question is what is the long term effects of GMOs on the environment. GMOs can contaminate forever. GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self-propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste.(10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs). Once you plant GMOs on a piece of land you can not go and then plant a non GMO because it does not just go away the chemicals stay there. The potential impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. GMO contamination has also caused economic losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often struggle to keep their crops pure. (10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs). GMO seeds travel so not only is it affecting the environment it is affecting the farmers who are non GMO farmers. You can not fully clean up a contaminated gene pool meaning you can not clean this stuff up once it affects another farm. If we would not use genetically modified organisms, we would not have to worry about people developing an allergic reaction or having one, we would not have to worry about contaminating the environment, or worrying about ruining other farms who are non GMO. There is no economic value for GMOs. Therefore if we do use them they should be labeled. Work Cited Ewg. Are GMOs Bad for the Environment? EWG, Emily Cassidy , Smith, Jeffrey. 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs. Institute for Responsible Technology, Institute for Responsible Technology, 15 Jan. 2017, What Are GMOs? How Are They Affecting Us?[opinion]. All Africa, 18 Aug. 2016. General OneFile, Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. What Is GMO? The NonGMO Project, The NonGMO Project, Wpadmin. Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods. HRFnd,, 28 Feb. 2016,
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
William Blake :: essays research papers
To some people William Blake is just an ordinary man. To others, Blake is an English poet, painter, and engraver. Blake was born on November 28, 1757, in London, where he spent most of his life. He was the third of five children in his family. Blake's family was Nonconformists Protestant dissenters from the Church of England. They had Blake christened on December 11 at St. James's Church in Piccadilly. Blake's mother educated him in mere reading and writing, and he worked in a shop until the age of 14. His family ran this shop, and later his brother and he acquired the store through inheritance. Despite those misgivings, he taught himself Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and Italian. His English was to be often strikingly original through other people's eyes. In 1767, he wanted to become an artist at the young age of 10. In pursuit of this dream, he attended the Henry Pars Engraving School in the Strand. By 1772, he was an apprentice to an engraver, James Basire, who taught him the secr ets of the trade very well. Basire sent him to make drawings of the sculptures in Westminster Abbey, which sparked his interest in Gothic art. Blake's father was a hosier, and sent him to the Royal Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, president of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned artist Michelangelo and Raphael instead. Throughout his life, Blake made his money engraving things, but lived in mass poverty. On August 18, 1782, Blake married a poor illiterate girl, Catherine Boucher. Some believe she turned out to be the best companion Blake could have chosen. Blake and Catherine never had children. In 1784, Blakeââ¬â¢s father passed away after he started his own printing press. He took his brother Robert in to live with him as an assistant pupil to relieve him from the agonies of poverty. In Blake's eyes, Robert was his son. The establishing of the printing shop helped Blake and Catherine become financially secure for rest of their lives. From that point on, he lived as an engraver and illustrator with the help of his wife and brother Robert. Once again tragedy struck, and in 1787, only shortly after beginning work, his brother Robert fell ill and passed away.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mechanical Test of Ldpe and Hdpe P
Mechanical Test of LDPE and HDPE Processed by Extrusion, Injection Molding, Compression Molding and Sheet Extrusion Abstract LDPE and HDPE were processed by extrusion, injection molding, and sheet extrusion. Their mechanical properties such as tensile strength and percent elongation were measured by tensile test and analyzed statistically (Table 2). During the extrusion process, both polymers underwent die swelling. The water cooled polymer cords have a higher tensile strength but lower % elongation compared to the air cooled cords. HDPE has a much higher strength than LDPE due to its high crystallinity.LDPE and HDPE samples processed by injection molding and sheet extrusion show the same tendency in the extent of yield strength and elastic modulus. For sheet extrusion, the heat treated polymer sheet has a higher strength than the non-heat treated sheet because heating leads to an increase in both crystallinity and crystallite size. The specimen in rolling direction also has a higher strength than those in transverse direction due to the alignment of the polymer chains in rolling direction. UHMWPE (Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene) saucer was processed by compression molding.The cross section of the saucer was examined by optical microscopy. Further, the melting temperature of PEO was determined to be 74. 0Ã °C ~ 78. 9Ã °C. Introduction A polymer is a chemical compound or mixture of compounds consisting of repeating structural units created through a process of polymerization. 1 The units composing polymers derive from molecules of low relative molecular mass. When all the repeating units along a chain are of the same type, the resulting polymer is called homopolymer. Chains composed of two or more different repeat units are termed copolymers.The physical characteristics of a polymer depend both on its molecular weight and shape, and the structure of the molecular chains. The chain structures include linear polymer, branched polymer, crosslinked polym er and network polymer. The polymer synthesized in this experiment, LDPE and HDPE, have different chain structures (i. e. LDPE is a branched polymer and HDPE is a linear polymer. ). The polymer chain structure has a significant influence on polymer crystallinity, which is defined as the packing of molecular chains to produce an ordered atomic array. The mechanical properties that investigated in this paper, such as tensile strength, elastic modulus and percent elongation, greatly depend on the crystallinity of the polymer sample. Polymers play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life from those of familiar synthetic plastics and other materials of day-to-day work and home life, to the natural biopolymers that are fundamental to biological structure and function. 1 Quite a variety of different techniques are employed in the forming of polymeric materials. Molding is the most common method for forming plastic polymers.The several molding techniques used include extrusion mold ing, compression molding, blow molding and injection molding. 3 During molding, crystal regions in polymer melts upon heating. The resulted polymer melts are non-Newtonian fluids, and their viscosity depends on the shear rate. Melt index (MI) could be used to indicate the viscosity of the fluid. It is defined as the mass of polymer flowing in ten minutes through a capillary of a specific diameter and length by a pressure applied. 4 Polymer melts are formed into a continuous charge of viscous fluid.The viscous fluid then solidifies into polymer product with specific shapes. During the solidification process, polymer melts recrystallizes and forms spherulite structure consisted of both amorphous region and lamellar. Experimental Procedure Crystallization of PEO Crystallization of PEO (Sigma-Aldrich Co. , St. Louis, MD) was observed by optical microscopy. Sample of PEO powder was placed on glass slide and heated up using hot stage. Both the melting and the solidification processes were observed under optical microscope under crossed polarizer. The melting range was determined to be 74. 0Ã °C ~ 78. 9Ã °C.Extrusion of LDPE and HDPE Both LDPE (MI = 0. 25, Equistar ) and HDPE (MI = 9, Equistar) pellets were processed into cords using single-screw extruder (Model TL3215B, Extruders ). The die temperature was 350 Ã °C, Zone temperatures were all 425 Ã °C and the screw speed was about 3. 6 rpm. Water cooling and air cooling were carried out for mechanical properties evaluation. Tensile tests were performed on both LDPE and HDPE cords in order to evaluate their mechanical properties. Compression Molding UHMWPE (Ticona) powder was used to produce UHMWPE saucer by using a compression molding apparatus (Model 3725, Carver).The starting temperature was 245 F, and the molding temperature was 310 F. The cross section of the saucer was examined by optical microscopy. Injection Molding Both LDPE (MI = 9, Equistar) and HDPE (MI = 7, Equistar) pellets were processed into dog b one specimens by injection molding. The barrel, nozzle and mold temperatures used are listed below. Tensile tests were performed on both LDPE and HDPE specimens in order to evaluate their mechanical properties. Table 1. Barrel, Nozzle and Mold temperatures for injection molding. | LDPE| HDPE| Barrel Temperature | 390Ã °F| 400Ã °F|Nozzle Temperature| 395Ã °F| 405Ã °F| Mold Temperature| 275Ã °F| 275Ã °F| Sheet Extrusion Both LDPE (MI = 0. 25, Equistar) and HDPE (MI = 9, Equistar) pellets were processed into polymer sheets using sheet extruder (Model KLB125, Extruders). The die temperature was 375 Ã °C. Zone temperatures were all 420 Ã °C. Adapter temperature was also 420Ã °C. The screw speed was about 20 rpm and the roller speed was set up to 2. 0 rpm. Heat treatment using glass furnace was performed on both polymers. Tensile tests were carried out in order to evaluate the mechanical properties of both LDPE and HDPE. Result and DiscussionCrystallization of PEO The melting tem perature of PEO was determined to be 74. 0Ã °C ~ 78. 9Ã °C, where the literature melting temperature of PEO is 65Ã °C. The polymer melting behavior is a function of the rate of heating5. That the measured melting temperature is higher than the literature value results from the relative high heat rate (20Ã °C/ min). Besides, the melting temperature for polymer is a range instead of a single point. The melting temperature depends on the molecular weight of the polymer chain, the thickness of the chain-folded lamellae, the heating rate and the impurity content.Since the PEO samples used contain polymer chains with different size, and they were heat at an inconstant rate, the melting must take place over a range of temperatures. | | | | Figure 1. Micrographs of PEO melting stage at 10X. (a). Full spherulite (red circle) growth at 54. 8Ã °C. (b). Spherulite starts to disappear 74. 0Ã °C. (c). Spherulite completely disappeared at 78. 9Ã °C. A A | B B | C C | D D | Figure 2. Microgr aphs of PEO crystallization stages at 10X. (a). Completely melted polymer. (b). Spherulite start to grow from nucleation site (red circle). (c). Growing of spherulite (red circle). (d).Spherulite structure of PEO and interspherulite boundary. The spherulite consisted of chain-folded crystallites (lamellae) and amorphous region start to grow from the nucleation site at 56. 7Ã °C. Individual lamellae are separated by amorphous materials. As shown in Fig. 2 (c), the spherulite keeps growing and getting larger as the recrystallization process continues. When the crystallization of a spherulite structure nears completion, the extremities of adjacent spherulites begin to impinge on one another, forming planar boundaries (Fig. 2 (d)). At 56. 0Ã °C, the crystallization process of PEO sample reached completion.Compression Molding A A | B B | Figure 3. Micrographs of middle cut (B) and outer cut (A) of UHMWPE saucer at 20X. The mold is closed with a top force. Pressure is applied to force t he material into contact with all mold areas, and heat and pressure are maintained until the molding material has cured. During that process, particles diffuse together and become one piece. As shown in Fig. 3, the outer cut of the UHMWPE saucer has lower porosity, and the middle section of the saucer has a much higher porosity. The outer region of the saucer was cooled much faster than the middle section of the saucer.Slowing cooling rate in the middle section led to the high porosity. Liquidus polymer shrinks as it solidify into solid leaving a large amount of pores in the middle section. Extrusion and Sheet Extrusion Die swell happened during extrusion as shown in Fig. 4. A flow stream has a constant rate before entering the die. It also occupies a spherical conformation and maximizes the entropy. 6 As it goes through the die, polymer loses its spherical shape and becomes less entangled. Therefore, the entropy is lowered. When polymer melt comes out of the nozzle, the remaining p hysical entanglements cause the polymer melt to relax (i. e. egain a portion of its former shape) and restore the entropy. It appears like the polymer is swelling at the nozzle. Figure 4. Die swelling happened when polymer melt came out of the nozzle. Air cooled LDPE took 3 runs before fracture, and the water cooled LDPE took 2 runs before fracture. As shown in Fig. 5, both water cooled and air cooled LDPE cords have similar elastic modulus and yield strength. However, the air cooled cord has a higher tensile strength but lower percent elongation. Since the degree of crystallinity depends on cooling rate during solidification, the higher the cooling rate , the higher the degree of crystallinity.Increasing in crystallinity increases the hardness but lower the ductility of the polymer cords. Thus, water cooled LDPE cord has higher tensile strength but lower % elongation compared to the air cooled one. Figure 5. Extrusion sample stress vs. strain plot. Red curve represents water cooled LDPE cord, and blue curve represents air cooled LDPE cord. Figure 6. Sheet extrusion sample Stress vs. Strain plot. Blue curve represents heat treated LDPE specimen in rolling direction. Purple curve represents non-heat treated LDPE specimen in rolling direction.Red curve represents non-heat treated LDPE specimen in transverse direction. Green curve represents heat treated LDPE specimen in transverse direction. Figure 7. Sheet extrusion sample Stress vs. Strain plot. Blue curve represents non-heat treated HDPE specimen in rolling direction. Purple curve represents heat treated HDPE specimen in rolling direction. Red curve represents non-heat treated HDPE specimen in transverse direction. Green curve represents heat treated HDPE specimen in transverse direction. Tensile test result of sheet extruded LDPE and HDPE specimens are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 above.HDPE specimens have higher yield strength, elastic modulus and % elongation. HDPE has a linear chain structure. It was highly packed. Therefore, it has a larger density and higher degree of crystallinity than LDPE. Molecular chains are closely packed in an ordered arrangement in crystalline region. The alignment of the packed chains in crystalline region makes the intermolecular secondary bonding much stronger than it is in amorphous region. Thus, HDPE with higher crystallinity has a much higher strength than LDPE. The heat treated specimen has higher yield strength and tensile strength than non-heat treated specimens.It is also due to the increasing in the percent crystallinity, which makes the polymer harder but less ductile. Further, polymer specimen in rolling direction has higher yield strength and elastic modulus, but lower percent elongation compared to samples in transverse direction. It is because during drawing the molecular chains slip past on another and become highly oriented. This alignment once again enhances the tensile modulus in the direction of drawing (RD), while reduces the tensile st rength in the direction (TD) perpendicular to the rolling direction. Injection Molding Figure 8.Stress vs. Strain plot of HDPE samples processed by injection molding. Figure 9. Stress vs. Strain plot of LDPE samples processed by injection molding. Table 2. Statistic data of HDPE and LDPE samples processed by injection molding. | HDPE| LDPE| | ? y (MPa)| E (GPa)| %EL| ? y(MPa)| E (GPa)| %EL| 1| 19. 317| 0. 41| 163| 5. 29| 0. 040| 131| 2| 23. 216| 0. 44| 265| 5. 38| 0. 050| 155| 3| 23. 77| 0. 49| 69| 6. 302| 0. 049| 144| 4| 24. 142| 0. 78| 509| 6. 408| 0. 058| 141| Average| 22. 61| 0. 53| 251. 50| 5. 85| 0. 049| 142. 75| Standard Deviation | 2. 23| 0. 17| 189. 41| 0. 59| 0. 0073| 9. 8| 95% Confidence Interval | 22. 61Ã ±3. 54| 0. 53Ã ±0. 27| 251. 50Ã ±301. 35| 5. 85Ã ±0. 94| 0. 049Ã ±0. 012| 142. 75Ã ±15. 72| Compared to literature value , P-value| t = 3. 22,Df=3,P
Friday, November 8, 2019
Marine Corp essays
Marine Corp essays The United States Armed Forces are the top elite fighting forces of the world. Two hundred and twenty-six years in existence, the Marine Corps, a sister branch of the Department of the Navy, upholds the highest standards and traditions of Americas military power. Being a Sergeant for the worlds greatest fighting force, I have extreme opinions on how these two branches of service differ. It is clear to distinguish the differences by taking into consideration the following: history, traditions, and leadership of both branches of service. Although the Marine Corps is categorized as the Department of the Navy, there are very strong distinctions, which allows each branch of service to stand on its own. The Marine Corps was created on November 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at Tun Tavern by a resolution of the Continental Congress, which raised two battalions of Marines (Marine Battle Skills Training Handbook 1-2-3). In 1834, the Marines came under the Department of the Navy. Captain Samuel Nicholas, who is traditionally considered the first Commandant of the Marine Corps, took charge of these battalions. Marines have been notorious for winning battles ever since the Revolutionary War in 1776, up to the current offensive attacks in Afghanistan. One month earlier, the history of the United States Navy began. October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the outfitting of 10-gun warship for intercepting such transports as may be laden with stores for the enemy, (Blue Jacket Manual 132) the start of the United States Navy. The United States Navy was created to protect the countrys shoreline against pirates and other amphibious assaults. Currently the Navy is the second largest branch of the armed forces and is growing each day. Three hundred and sixty-five days out of the year, the Navy has seventy-five percent of its naval fleet afloat. Unlike the Navy, the Marin...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Diferencias entre asilo polÃÂtico y refugiado
Diferencias entre asilo polà tico y refugiado Los casos de refugiados y de asilados polà ticos tienen las mismas causas,sin embargo, la tramitacià ³n del reconocimiento de ambos estatus es muy diferente, por lo que es importante distinguirlas. En la actualidad, ms latinoamericanos obtienen la aprobacià ³n de estatus de asilado que de refugiado. El Salvador es el à ºnico paà s de la regià ³n cuyos nacionales sacan ambos estatus ââ¬âasilado y refugiadoââ¬â en nà ºmeros relevantes. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar ser refugiado o pedir asilo polà tico en EE.UU. Parte de la confusià ³n entre estos dos estatus nace del hecho de que tanto con el asilo como con la figura del refugiado se protege a la misma clase de personas. Es decir, a los personas que no pueden o no quieren regresar a su paà s de origen porque han sido perseguidas o tienen razones fundadas de llegar a serlo por cualquiera de las razones siguientes: RazaReligià ³nNacionalidadMembresà a de un grupo social (como por ejemplo gays, lesbianas o transexuales)Opinià ³n polà ticaPor haber sido obligados a ser esterilizados o a abortar. O sufrir persecucià ³n por haberse negado. Diferencias en pedir asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado Una de las principales es el lugar en el que se encuentra la persona que sufre persecucià ³n. Para solicitar el estatus de refugiado es obligatorio encontrarse fuera de Estados Unidos. Adems, el solicitante estar fuera de su paà s. A este à ºltimo requisito hay excepciones muy limitadas y establecidas expresamente por el Presidente de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad sà ³lo pueden solicitar el estatus de refugiado desde dentro de su propio paà s los cubanos, los ciudadanos de paà ses que formaron parte de la Unià ³n Sovià ©tica e Irak. Son circunstancias muy excepcionales y en inglà ©s son denominadas in-country processing. Los candidatos al estatus de refugiado son procesados en una primera fase por uno de los 9 Centros de Apoyo a la Reubicacià ³n (RSC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que tiene Estados Unidos en diferentes puntos del planeta. La mayorà a de ellos han llegado a un RSC porque han sido remitidos por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, una Embajada de los Estados Unidos o una organizacià ³n no gubernamental. Otros llegan porque forman parte de un grupo calificado de especial preocupacià ³n humanitaria y, finalmente, los casos de reunificacià ³n familiar. Cuando toda la informacià ³n es recabada sobre el candidato, la misma se envà a al USCIS a Estados Unidos, que es quien debe aprobar la solicitud. El à ºltimo paso corre a cargo de una agencia de reubicacià ³n en EE.UU. que ser la encargada de apoyar al refugiado cuando se le autorice a viajar. Por el contrario, el asilo se solicita o bien en un puerto de entrada nada ms llegar (aeropuerto, puerto marà timo o frontera terrestre) ante un oficial de inmigracià ³n,(CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), o bien ya una vez dentro de Estados Unidos. En este à ºltimo caso la peticià ³n debe presentarse dentro del aà ±o siguiente a haber llegado al paà s. A esta regla de los 365 dà as se admiten excepciones muy raramente cuando las circunstancias en el paà s de origen cambian dramticamente. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes presentes en EE.UU. con TPS podrà an calificar para solicitar asilo porque en el caso de esta proteccià ³n especial el calendario de 1 aà ±o se considera congelado en la fecha en la que se le aprobà ³ el TPS por primera vez. à ¿Cuntos refugiados y asilados admite EE.UU.? En el aà ±o fiscal 2018, EE.UU. admitià ³ un total de 22.491 refugiados. Los 10 paà ses con mayor nà ºmero de refugiados fueron: Congo (8.883)Myanmar (3.555)Ucrania (2,635)Butn (2,228)Eritrea (1,269)Afganistn (805)El Salvador (739)Paquistn (441)Rusia (437)Etiopà a (376) Para el aà ±o fiscal 2019 el presidente Donald Trump ha fijado en 30.000 el nà ºmero mximo de refugiados que pueden ingresar al paà s. Los à ºltimos datos disponibles sobre asilo son el aà ±o fiscal 2016, segà ºn los cuales se aprobaron 20.458 estatus de asilo polà tico de los que 11.729 fueron asilos afirmativos, es decir, solicitudes aprobadas por USCIS. En 8.726 casos fueron asilos defensivos, es decir, aprobados por las cortes de inmigracià ³n o el Tribunal de Apelaciones migratorias (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Los paà ses con mayor nà ºmero de casos aprobados fueron: China: 4.500El Salvador: 2.148Guatemala: 1.943Honduras: 1.513Mà ©xico: 920 En la actualidad hay ms de 733.000 solicitudes de asilo pendientes, estimndose en 721 dà as la media de espera para la vista (hearing, en inglà ©s). Informacià ³n para los trmites de asilo En los casos de asilo se estima que los solicitantes pierden en el 90 por ciento de las veces en las que no estn representados por un abogado. Por lo tanto, es extremadamente importante contar con uno con experiencia y buena reputacià ³n. La AILA es la organizacià ³n de EE.UU. sobre abogados migratorios y en su base de datos se pueden encontrar letrados por lugar y por tipo de especialidad migratoria. Adems, numerosas organizaciones de apoyo a migrantes brindan ayuda o referencia a buenos abogados. Se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre asilo para familiarizarse sobre los puntos principales de este estatus. Puntos Clave: diferencias entre asilo polà tico y condicià ³n de refugiado Causas de asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado: haber sido perseguido o tener razones fundadas de que si el solicitante regresa a su paà s ser perseguido por su raza, opinià ³n polà tica, religià ³n, pertenencia a un grupo social o nacionalidad o por razones de esterilizacià ³n o aborto forzado.à ¿Dà ³nde se pide la condicià ³n de refugiado?: fuera de EE.UU. El trmite lo inicia un RSC, en la mayorà a de los casos el solicitante ha sido remitido por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.à ¿Dà ³nde se solicita asilo polà tico?: en la frontera de EE.UU. o en el interior del paà s, dentro del plazo de un aà ±o a contar desde el dà a del ingreso, salvo circunstancias especiales.Nà ºmero de refugiados admitido por EE.UU. en 2018: 22.491. Para el 2019 el presidente Trump ha establecido una cifra mxima de 30.000Nà ºmero de asilos aprobados: 20.455 (segà ºn à ºltimos datos publicados oficialmente, que son del aà ±o fiscal 2016) Este artà culo es informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Monday, November 4, 2019
(1)Critically assess the ways in which international trade can be Assignment
(1)Critically assess the ways in which international trade can be affected by governments interventions - Assignment Example The government intervention in international trade dictates the way the multinational companies operate. This paper is focused on different ways of government intervention in international trade and its influence on the nations and the firms. According to Poynter (2012) the government intervention can be described as the actions taken by the government in order to influence or interfere in the business activities of the private bodies or groups in terms of economic or social matters. The primary reason of the intervention is to protect the interest of the domestic firms from the predatory business activities of the large multinational firms. Warburton (2009) further added that the government policies regarding foreign trade offer both encouragement and restrictions to the multinational firms in a way that their business activities improve the economic condition of the host countries and at the same time do not impact the business operations of the smaller domestic firms. Thus the trade regulations set by the government act as a controlling authority that protects the interest of the domestic firms and looks after the social impact causing from the multinational firms. These regulations are important to ensure stability and growth of the domestic economy. Carbaugh, (2009) rightly pointed out that certain major multinational firms are so financially strong that their revenue is more than the GDP of certain small nations. Such firms have the necessary potential to control the business market of a developing nation if they diversify their business in that region. Therefore a regulatory policy has been set by the government so to limit the marketing activities of these firms. On the other hand, the internationalization of the multinational firms also improves the employment status of a nation. Therefore, the government of the developing countries often attract multinational firms within the national boundary to improve the social and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Research paper for Final exam Organ transplantation in Canada
For Final exam Organ transplantation in Canada - Research Paper Example In as much as most of the patients are normally expected to wait for a substantial period before undergoing the medical procedures, the world has extensive research and technological advancements in the field of medicine to thank. This is because both have worked towards minimizing organ rejection and at the same time increasing the set of organs that can be transplanted. The World Health Organization has often reaffirmed its position on organ transplant, which demands that organ trade should not be practiced, and that a clear guideline should be followed in case it has to be executed. Whereas nations such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom have been at the forefront of ensuring flawless parameters are followed while carrying out organ transplants, states such as Iran have repeatedly violated such provisions (Sanavi et al 184-187). This essay aims to provide more insight on organ transplant, taking particular interest in how the procedure is carried out in Canada and Iran. Health Canada is the organization tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the process of blood and organ transplantation in Canada. The establishment, with the input of other stakeholders in the health sector normally prepares a waiting list, which contains the names of patients in need of organ replacement. Once a suitable donor is found, Health Canada, through its branches informs the patient on the waiting list, before carrying out the procedure within a stipulated duration. According to data from Health Canada, well over 2124 organs were transplanted in Canada in the year 2012, a figure that has stayed practically the same from the year 2006, while currently about 4500 individuals are waiting for organ replacements in Canada (Health Canada). On a rather sad note, the organization reports that about 256 patients died during the same year while waiting for ideal donors to be found. Unlike in nations like Iran where organ trade is rampant, Health
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